Institutional investors, portfolio managers, financial analysts, CIOs and other capital market professionals who invest in the energy space should register now for the EnerCom Dallas energy investment conference, which is coming to The Tower Club February 11-12 in downtown Dallas.
The EnerCom Dallas conference follows EnerCom’s familiar 25-minute CEO presentation format, followed by 50-minute Q&A opportunities in separate breakout rooms, one-on-one meeting opportunities for buyside investors and sellside researchers to meet company management teams, networking opportunities and global insight delivered by leading energy economists and strategists. The event also provides energy industry professionals a venue to learn about important energy topics affecting the global oil and gas industry. Key panel discussions include Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), Capital Markets, LNG Landscape and Midstream.
New this year, the EnerCom Dallas conference is offering a unique session for energy related technology, alternative energy and traditional oil and gas start-up ventures the opportunity to present their business to a captive audience of investors. The event will provide invited presenters the opportunity to give a fifteen-minute presentation and participate in a Q&A. Investors can also schedule private one-on-one meetings with session participants at the Tower Club, Dallas.
The EnerCom Dallas schedule is now live and will be updated continuously on the conference site.
Chris Wright, CEO of Liberty Oilfield Services Will Present “Energy Transitions and Humans”
Chris Wright serves as CEO and Chairman of Liberty Oilfield Services and has since its founding in 2011. Additionally, Chris co-founded and serves as Executive Chairman of Liberty Resources, a Bakken-focused E&P company and Liberty Midstream Solutions. He has had a lifelong passion for energy and its role in human life.
He has spoken on energy to the UK House of Lords, the States Attorneys General, Federal and State Judges, debated the merits of the shale revolution on TV and given over 100 talks.
Chris completed an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering at MIT and graduate work in Electrical Engineering at both UC Berkeley and MIT. Chris founded Pinnacle Technologies and from 1992 to 2006 served as CEO and Chairman. Pinnacle created the hydraulic fracture mapping industry by developing and commercializing tiltmeter and microseismic fracture mapping. Pinnacle’s innovations in fracturing practices helped launch commercial shale gas production in the late 1990’s. Chris was Chairman of Stroud Energy, an early shale gas producer, prior to its sale to Range Resources in 2006. Chris is currently a director of Liberty Oilfield Services, Liberty Resources, and Urban Solutions Group.
One-on-One Meetings Open for 2020 Conference Session:
EnerCom works in advance with presenting company management teams to arrange one-on-one meetings with the attending institutional investors and research analysts at the conference venue. Buy- and sell-side attendees can now request one-on-one meeting via the conference registration portal accessible on the conference site.
EnerCom Dallas Presenting Companies Include:
Ajax Analytics
Amplify Energy Corp. (NYSE: AMPY)
CAC Specialty
Carnot Compression
Center for LNG
Comstock Resources
Cureton Midstream
Deep Imaging
East Daley Capital Advisors
Engineered Salinity – ESal
Flatirons Field Services
Fortis Energy Services
GeoPark (NYSE: GPRK)
Goodrich Petroleum (NYSE: GDP)
Granite Oil Corp (TSX: GXO)
Hathaway LLC
Haynes & Boone
HighPoint Resources (NYSE: HPR)
Imperial Capital
Liberty Oilfield Services (NYSE: LBRT)
Locus Bio-Energy Solutions
Lonestar Resources, Inc. (NASDAQ: LONE)
Northern Oil & Gas (NYSE: NOG)
Ring Energy (NYSE: REI)
Sparq Natural Gas
Sundance Energy (NYSE: SNDE)
Tailwater Capital
The Environmental Partnership
University of Denver
Vaquero Midstream
Vermilion Energy (NYSE: VET)
The EnerCom Dallas Presenting Company Line-Up will be updated continuously on the conference website.
Registration for EnerCom Dallas is now open
Buyside professionals and oil and gas company executives may register for the event through the conference website.
Conference Details: Modeled after EnerCom’s The Oil & Gas Conference® in Denver, EnerCom Dallas offers investment professionals a unique opportunity to listen to oil and gas company senior management teams update investors on their operational and financial strategies and learn how the leading energy companies are building value in 2020.
Conference Dates: February 11-12, 2020
Conference Location: Tower Club Dallas, 1601 Elm Street, Thanksgiving Tower, 48th Floor, Dallas, Texas 75201
Public and Private Company Presenters: EnerCom Dallas will feature both public and private companies headquartered in Canada and the U.S. with operations across the most active and prolific oil and gas regions and the globe.
Who Attends the Conference: Institutional and hedge fund investors, private equity investors, energy research analysts, broker/dealers, trust officers, high net worth investors, commercial energy bankers and other energy industry professionals will gather in Dallas for the conference.
One-on-One Meetings: EnerCom works in advance with presenting company management teams to arrange one-on-one meetings with the attending institutional investors and research analysts at the conference venue.
History: EnerCom, Inc. hosted its original energy-focused investment conference, The Oil & Gas Conference®, in 1996 in Denver. 2020 marks EnerCom’s 25th annual Denver oil and gas financial conference. Since its founding, EnerCom has hosted more than 50 successful oil and gas investment conferences in Denver, London, Dallas, Boston and San Francisco.
About EnerCom, Inc.
Founded in 1994, EnerCom, Inc. is an internationally recognized management consultancy advising companies on Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG), investor relations, corporate strategy/board advisory, marketing, analysis and valuation, media, branding, and visual communications design. Headquartered in Denver, EnerCom and its team of experts are passionate about the energy industry and our work to provide clients with wide range of services to build brand recognition that drives valuation and returns.
EnerCom’s upcoming oil and gas investment conferences include:
EnerCom Dallas – February 11-12, 2020
EnerCom Denver (The Oil & Gas Conference®) – August 16-19, 2020
For more information about EnerCom and its services, please visit
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